
BC-KC Formalin Ltd. in the business life

Formalin is mainly used by the chemical industry, beet industry, pharmaceutical and medical industry and for the production of plastic raw materials. BC-KC Formalin Ltd. employs 20 people, from which 11 people work in four shifts.

In 2004 the Company has received a grant as a part of the GVOP-2005-1.1.1 program and built its 2nd production line in the frame of a large investment project. The investment has been ended in 2006 and as a result of this the production capacity of the Company has been doubled. Currently the total domestic formalin demand is supplied by our Company and the export sales are continuously increasing.

The aim of the Company is to satisfy the demand of its domestic and foreign partners as much as it is possible.

Our Company put a great deal of effort to continuously monitor the environmentally friendly production, the efficient utilization of raw- and auxiliary materials, the energy saving operation and to monitor and if it is possible decrease the specific consumptions. Based on these principles the Company has received its IPPC licence. 

In 2011 the Company has received a grant as a part of the GOP 1.3.1/11.A/2011-0043 program, which title was: Development a new process control system for the production system of BC-KC Formalin Ltd. in the framework of a technological innovation project.
The aim of the investment: To increase the efficiency of the existing production system by the implementation of such investments, which increase the safety and reliability of the operation, decrease the production costs as well as increase profitability.

In March 2011:
• we have employed 1 people as part of the "TÁMOP 1.1.3 Road to the world of work" supporting program
• employing 1 person as part of the “Support of qualified, graduate job seeker to obtain work experience” supporting program.

In June 2013 we have employed 1 people as part of the “First job guarantee” supporting program.

ÚJ Széchenyi Terv logó

Closed in January 2014 TÁMOP-2.1.3C

BorsodChem-Krems Chemie Formalin Ltd. (3702 Kazincbarcika, Bólyai tér 1.) with the identification number TÁMOP-2.1.3.C-12 / 1-2012-0233 received a grant of HUF 10,937,207 in the tender of the New Széchenyi Plan Social Renewal Operational Program (Új Széchenyi Terv) "Training Program of BorsodChem-Krems Chemie Formalin Ltd."

The amount was used to develop the company’s 13 employees. 11 people took part in an accredited Communication Skills Development Training at the company's headquarters, and 2 people received English language training at 5600 Kazincbarcika, Mátyás király út.

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